
Yashika Sharma

Thoughts, Blogs and Projects

Who am I?

I am a first generation student present in the tech world only because of the hard work of my mother.

I am an undergraduate(soon to be a computer science engineer). I started my data science and machine learning journey in 2019. I chose this field not because of the hype or popularity but because of my passion to solve real world problems. I believe in the wonders artificial intelligence is capable of.
Till now I have worked on very diverse set of projects ranging from social good, open source to industrial. It all started as a Junior Machine Learning Engineer at Omdena. My most proud project with them was #sexedPL aimed to analyze sex education and reduce teenage crimes and suicides. Soon I was promoted to Machine Learning Engineer for the next challenge ‘AIForEnergy’ where I used data science for sustainable development. I used my skills for social good and learned a lot.
After some time I decided to dive in the business side of data science and joined Mylo as a data scientist. My work directly impacted customer interaction. The retention rate was increased upto 5% and community feed started having high interactions. I spent my summer with Major League Hacking in their fellowship program where I contributed to major open source infrastructures including Scikit-Learn, Keras and BentoML for 12 weeks. The code I contributed has been dowloaded for more than 10 million times till now. Currently I am leading the pod of explorer fellows at MLH. I love code debugging, pair programming and brainstorming with them each day. Under my mentorship, fellows have built more than 15 projects using technologies rangning from Machine Learning to Game Development.
My ‘Notebooks Year in Review’ report with Deepnote is out now. Check out what I found after analyzing 10,000 repositories on Github.
I am a huge supporter of diversity and I work for upliftment of women in tech as a lead for Women Who Code Python Track.


Recent Accomplishments

‘You become what you believe. -Oprah Winfrey’

Some of my most recent accomplishments are:

  • Received the Grace Hopper Celebration India Conference Scholarship for my contributions in uplifting women in tech.
    - Led breakout session on ‘Early Exits and Inference Techniques’ at the International Conference of Machine Learning 2020’.
    - Shortlisted as one of the 150 fellows from 20,000 applications for Major League Hacking Fellowship.
    - Selected to participate in Canada’s biggest hackathon-Hack the North.
View Works

One Step Everyday!

Nothing happens over night. It takes years of hard+smart work to achieve your dreams. Oftenly its natural to get overwhelmed and drop in between but thats when the crowd is differentiated from the achiever.

Want to know more about me?

What I do

Along with many amazing things, you can find me doing data science, NLP projects, contributing to open source, speaking at webinars, advocating for diversity and maintaining this site.
I am always looking for meaningful collaborations. If there’s anything I can help with, get in touch!

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